Our Curriculum

Welcome to Couture Kids Classroom's Our Curriculum page. Discover the engaging daily schedule and exploration-based curriculum designed to foster your child's growth and development.

Daily Schedule

Our preschool offers a structured daily schedule that balances play, learning, and rest. From circle time to outdoor play, each moment is thoughtfully planned to provide a well-rounded experience for your child.


Time Activity
8:00-8:30 Breakfast/Morning Snack- Children eat a healthy snack to get their day started.
8:30-9:00 Morning Circle Time- Direct teacher-led instruction, story time, music and movement, and calendar time
9:00-10:00 Morning Structured Centers- Pre-planned structured centers. These are teacher-chosen centers intended to foster exploration and sparking curiosity.
10:00-10:30 Free Play Centers- Student-chosen centers used to foster communication, social and emotional skills, and independence.
10:30-11:25 Outside Play
11:25-12:00 Handwashing, Pottying, Lunch time
12:00-2:30 Rest Time and Choice Activities- Students will be offered the opportunity to rest on their cots for one hour. After one hour, students will be given quiet manipulatives and toys to play with while waiting for their peers to wake up.
2:30-3:00 Nap Clean Up and Afternoon Circle Time
3:00-3:30 Afternoon Snack
3:30-4:00 Outside Play
4:00-5:00 Afternoon Structured Centers- Pre-planned structured centers. These are teacher-chosen centers intended to foster exploration and sparking curiosity.

Exploration Curriculum

At Couture Kids Classroom, we believe in hands-on learning through exploration. Our curriculum is designed to spark curiosity and creativity in young minds, with activities that encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and social skills development.

Creative Learning Activities

In addition to our exploration-based curriculum, we offer a variety of creative learning activities such as art projects, music and movement, and sensory play. These activities are designed to stimulate your child's imagination and promote holistic development.

Ready to enroll your child in our innovative preschool program?

Contact us today to schedule a tour and learn more about our curriculum.